Sunday 29 April 2012

Handmade 119:365

When my dh picked me up from work yesterday- he said he'd already called my friend and asked if she was free that night! He was officiating at a swimming gala near her- and thought it would be a good chance for us to have a gossip and a bottle of wine.

I had enough time to get changed and check the word of the day! Karen has a lovely display of handmade items dotted around. She does a lot of cross stitch. At one point we both shared patterns and made some of the same things. I have this Country Companions grandfather clock kit (as it's something I'd love to own!). Karen actually completed hers!!!!

I got to meet Nat's boyfriend- we saw him last week for the first time, but didn't get to chat to him. He seems a lovely lad. One you won't mind taking home to meet the mother sort!!!!! I sound more like my mum every day. They went out with friends and Karen and I ordered a Chinese in and polished off a bottle of wine.

It was a lovely unexpected treat. A nice gossip over wine ! I got home a bit late to upload and edit the photos- so I'm adding it this morning before everyone gets up!


  1. lovely cross stitch i love country companions, sounds like a good night too

  2. What a nice treat. Lovely hubby !
    The cross stitch ix extremely pretty.
    As of Holly, I think she woudl be best friend with Rhea, because she actually did try to bring the branch back home, LOL.

  3. I love the x stitch .glad you had a nice eve

  4. I love the picture. the cross stich is lovely.
