Friday 24 January 2014

My To Be Read Pile!

My life in 5 words- My To Be Read pile!
Reading is my biggest pleasure- when I'm relaxing I'll always have my nose in a book. I never 'just' watch tv- always read at the same time. It annoys Guy that I never 'watch' anything but still need to have Coronation Street on. I have a few reading challenges for myself this year. One of them is to reduce the bookshelves by at least 20 books this year. This is some of the books to be tackled to achieve that!

Daily Snappers has Family as today's prompt. I knew that Amy wouldn't allow me to take her photo today- so have had to go with a collage of older photos that we did for their 18th! I am hoping she'll still let me take our 17.57 photo on her birthday at the end of the month. So I am leaving the 'weedling' until then! I've had a photo every year at the exact time they were born- and whilst they are both still at home I'd like to carry that on!


  1. That's a really lovely idea.. and good luck with the book challenge xx

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, dear Kim!
    Very beautiful girls!
    Wonderful memories!

  3. love the photo idea shame iam 17 yard too late

  4. That's an interesting pile of books there.

  5. Kim, I recognise a few books of authors I also read. I like TV and save my reading to when I go to bed but find I read less these days :(

  6. Looks like some good books. I love reading.

  7. lovely photos and enjoy reading those books, i like to read...we go to the mobile library van once a week after school, evie gets through lots of books!
