We're trying to keep up with our 2014 challenges- so our life in 6 words includes- TRYING A NEW RECIPE EVERY WEEK.
Guy is joining in aswell- so we are a little bit ahead of schedule- but I know from past experience that we tend to fall by the wayside in a few weeks! So hoping 2014 is the year we keep trying new things. Tonight we tried Haggies, Neeps and Tatties - which is probably cheating as a new recipe because it's only really mashed swede and mashed potato! Holly knew it was something interesting before the packet was open- so it must have a really strong smell. We also tried Lemon Surprise pudding last night- this was a new recipe for a pudding that we used to love. We can't find the old recipe so keep trying to recreate it. We're not there yet- but more of the huge bag of lemons used up! We also watched WhiteHouse Down last night- which was really good.
SMALL- these are Guatamalan Worry dolls. You are supposed to be able to tell each doll a worry and pop them under your pillow for them to magic that worry away. What a lovely thought that you could achieve that overnight whilst you sleep. It reminds me a little bit about the DreamCatcher we had to buy Amy when she was younger. She suffered a bout of nightmares and on holiday they have a lovely Native American shop and lots of different dreamcatchers. She liked the idea that they would catch the bad dreams and was most insistent that it worked!