On holiday we noticed that Holly wasn't able to do things that she could do last year and it was a reminder that she's not a puppy anymore. Guy had to lift her out of the brook because they've built up the wall and she can't jump that high anymore. We knew we'd have to take her to the vets to see if she does have arthritis. Anyway at the weekend she wimpered with pain when Guy picke her and we so worried about her. We got her booked into the vets and she said that she thought given her age and condition- she probably does have arthritis. We were to keep her quiet for a week- with 5 minute walks. Then to go back in 2 weeks to see if they can test her kidneys to see if she's strong enough to go on long term medication. She didn't suggest a scan or xray- so we'll need to talk about that next time.
She gave her some anti inflamatory medicine and she's started on joint medication and it's as if she's high on e numbers. I've looked up the side effects- but they suggest apathy! So although she's supposed to be resting - we are struggling to stop her jumping around. We're not sure whether she must have been in pain before and we couldn't tell - or whether she's had an injection of rocket fuel.
I've followed Anne's posts recently about Rhea and I totally understand the feeling.
Anyway- so that I don't get so far behind that I have to give up I'm trying to catch up again.
Amy's collection of footwear in the hall is growing!
The straight lines on a musical instrument at a bird sanctuary that we visited.
The Hollywood Star of fame we bought Kimberley for her birthday
Delicious ice cream- with a triangular cone ( I've got to catch up somehow!)
Holly enjoyed swimming in the pool on holiday- but it required teamwork to get her out. Someone had to squeak a toy and someone else had to corrall her in as she swam past. If she could win the lottery- she'd buy a property here!
Curvesl the curved lines on this lily- so bright and pretty.
We have managed to get hold of some tickets for the paralympics in the Olympic Stadium. As high up as you can be- but a chance to see inside and to explore the park again for some more photos. The train tickets are booked and we're really looking forward for another day in London.