Thursday, 3 May 2012


Guy went to Costco on his way home from work last night- and bought me this beautiful hanging basket for the garden. I love flowers and these include my favourites in the garden. The winter hanging baskets are still doing really well- so this one will  sit inbetween them on the spare bracket!!! It wasn't raining yesterday and I did take make the most of it by doing a bit of gardening. We have a lot to do to bring it back into line- but this will add a much needed instant hit of colour. At the top of the garden the rhodendrum is flowering for the second time this year. The glorious weather we had fleetingly in March confused it- and it is busy flowering again now. It really struggled last year and is one of the oldest plants in the garden- but it's looking great this year! It's lovely to see the colour start to appear in the mainly green garden.

I've been a bit preoccupied for the last few days. My Branch Manager was going to do my annual review on Saturday- but ran out of time because the branch was very busy. She asked me to come in during the week to get it done. It's normally done by the line managers- so I imagined that they were about to address my lack of sales recently!!!!!!! Anyway- I got there today and it was my line manager that was doing the appraisal. Not only that- they gave me a really positive review. They are going to start providing more support/training.

I had a little bit of time to wander around the shops before I caught the bus home and treated myself to a new skirt and a tshirt for my holidays. I was kicking myself- because I found a cream lacy cardi in Marks this morning and couldn't make up my mind whether to get it before I started work. It was half price in the sale- and by the time I made up my mind that it was ok to treat myself they were sold out on my way home!


  1. Just gorgeous, I love a basket of colour :)

  2. Stunning colors and well done for your appraisal !

  3. Beautiful flowers Kim - hope they give you a long lasting display.

  4. oh my goodness they are so far on. I daren't put out any bedding plants till the end of May as we get really late frosts. They are beautiful.

  5. wow those are colourful.. i darent put anything outside for the moment, as all the ones we did have died..

    well done on your review! i remember those unnerving you years back.

  6. Your basket is beautiful and so far forward. We haven't even planted ours yet.

    Well done on your appraisal and commisserations on the cardigan

  7. well done on your review , The flowers are lovely
