Monday, 26 March 2012

I used to have to get up at 6am- as Emma had to meet her bus guide at 6.45 to get to school- and once she was ready for school I had more free time than I do now. But I still have to fit in 5 mins with a good book and a cuppa before the daily stuff starts!!!

Mornings normally start between 5-6am- when Emma wakes up. Unless she's making too much noise I try to stay 'asleep'!!!! She turns all the lights on - so if Emma is awake, I'm awake!

I have a packed lunch assembly line sorted, then a cup of tea for everyone when they get up. This is where I try to sneak my 5 minute catch up with my latest book. Breakfast tv is on so we keep an eye on the time. We have a daily debate about whether the hair has BEEN brushed- today the general consensus was that she hadn't!!!!! Guy drops us at the top of the road to meet the new bus guide(to save us walking up the hill). We weren't expecting to find frost on the car this morning. We also check the temperature every morning on the dash! I sometimes pop into the local Tescos to get something for our evening meal- or something we've run out of. Today I got a bunch of daffodils for 50p. I see Emma off on the bus- sometimes wishing that I was escaping to a day at work!

As soon as I get in- my mum is usually making her morning telephone call and today I had a paper to glance through. This is when I usually check on the word of the day for our challenge. Although I think it's up at 6 tomorrow- so hopefully I'll see it before we go out.

Then it's onto the daily jobs- today I have to do the close cut on the lawn. It had it's first few cuts to make it presentable yesterday (it was a bit long!).
Holly's walk will be sometime in the morning- although Guy has left her lead in the boot. So I'll be searching for the lead she came out of the dogs home with. Hopefully it will be in her cupboard.


  1. What a busy morning you have and getting up so early. I do my reading at night when I go to bed

  2. Wow, pretty early mornings too. Like Viv, I read at night.

  3. Ooh, you are an early riser! I had to get up at six this morning to leave my son to the airport and it was a bit of a shock to the system. I'll stop moaning

  4. Goodness that is early. I feel badly done to on the days I have to get up at 6.20!

  5. we have the teeth brushing argument every morning , and that is only because Dan's hair is so sort he doesn't need to brush it.

  6. Another one who reads at night but I am up early in the morning early as well.

  7. I mainly read in the evening too- but have to grab 5 mins in the morning rush (at least) to catch up with my book!
