Friday, 3 February 2012

Interaction 34:365

This is the biggest interactive thing I do. I was never into online games until I played Pioneer Trail. Initially I just wanted to get to the same stage as some of the other players- as their homestead was prettier than mine. Then I was drawn in! Now I think I am at the stage where I need to go cold turkey and give it up!!!!

I intially wanted to take a photo of Holly with her toys- as she forces everyone to be interactive with her and them!!!!!!!! But everytime I get the camera out she decides it's time for a rest and although the toy is still beside her- she looks like she's ignoring it. So I might need to wait until someone else gets home and get her playing!


  1. lol, when I broke my foot and was in plaster for 6 weeks Cityville saved my sanity :D

  2. Never heard about any of these, ladies. Where have I been ????

  3. Havent heard of pioneer trail. Will look it up, although I never really catch on to any of those.

  4. I played Frontierville/Pioneer Trail until just before Christmas, my old laptop just didn't have the RAM to keep up, and I quailed at the thought of all the Christmas tasks!...then I concentrated on Cityville because it loaded so easily, and I liked arranging my buildings, but now I am in the same situation with that! I am snowed under with quests and getting to the point where I CBA because so few people seem to be playing...

  5. On line games can be very addictive , beware lol
